The projects on this page was created for an Interactive Data class at the CUNY Graduate Center. Scripting languages such as D3.js, HTML, and CSS are used.

How many international departures have occurred around the world?​​​​​​​

Exploratory Project
How many international departures have occurred around the world?​​​​​​​ This project explores the number of international departures that occurred in each country based on 20 years of tourism data.
This is the deployed version and you may see the source code here.
Narrative Project

Do women around the world have the freedom to travel?

Narrative Project
Do women around the world have the freedom to travel? This project explores a woman's travel accessibility based on the freedom of their choices to do activities that men are able to do without issue. Other variables, such as GDP per Capita, are examined in this analysis.
This is the deployed version and you may see the source code here.
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